The story revolves around Elif (R
The story revolves around Elif (Rüya Helin Demirbulut) and Erhan (Alperen Duymaz), an engaged couple who genuinely love one another. However, their plans for a bright future and a happy family crash when problems arise. Sibel (Melisa Asl Pamuk), Erhan’s boss, comes to their rescue to provide financial aid, but this offer does more harm than good to the couple’s relationship.
The story revolves around Elif (Rüya Helin Demirbulut) and Erhan (Alperen Duymaz), an engaged couple who genuinely love one another. However, their plans for a bright future and a happy family crash when problems arise. Sibel (Melisa Asl Pamuk), Erhan’s boss, comes to their rescue to provide financial aid, but this offer does more harm than good to the couple’s relationship. The story revolves around Elif (Rüya Helin Demirbulut) and Erhan (Alperen Duymaz), an engaged couple who genuinely love one another. However, their plans for a bright future and a happy family crash when problems arise. Sibel (Melisa Asl Pamuk), Erhan’s boss, comes to their rescue to provide financial aid, but this offer does more harm than good to the couple’s relationship.
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